Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

August Please Be Kind To Me :)

Assalamualaykum :)
Good Morning everybody :)
I'm so sorry for not update my blog for a long time. Because now, I'm in home. Yeyyy!!
In my home town the internet  connection is so slow, the signal for modem is difficult to reach...hahah...
but, I wish I could still update this blog regularly :)

Oke, this month is very special for me. Beside there is my birthday on august, there is Ramadhan and Idul Fitri too. I hope that i can get barakah and merciful from this month.

Actually I have many dream, and this month I hope my dream not just be a dream.
And hope that I'll be better from yesterday :)

First of all I'm thankful to Allah who gave me the wonderful life, and I hope that my faith always increases every seconds. To Rasulullah who gave us 'all of muslim' the bright way to life. And for my angels mom and dad who gave me their entire life. Thanks for all of your love, your sacrifice and your life. And for all those who have attended in my life and gave me everythings they have. I hope that I'll always make you proud of me.

Ok gusy, now I must tidy up my home. bye. have a blessing day everybody. see u asap ^^

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