Kali ini aku bakalan nge-repost twit dari Yasmin Mogahed yang di retwit oleh ID twitter @PRIMEGK tentang yang berkaitan dengan judul di atas.
I just repost it for reminder. Reminder for me especially.I hope that we can learn from it. :)
- love is not like we watch in movies, we read in books, we see in media. it's addiction not love, its hawa nafs. ~Yasmin Mogahed
- forgot, love is not like what we hear in songs also.
- nah klo udah begitu (ciri2 yg love is not tadi) biasanya krn ngikutin keinginan,&keinginan ga ada abisnya,cr dapetinannya bs macem2~
- Allah speaks about love in chapter 9 verse 24. lets take a look :)
- jd biarpun mencintai yg halal, klo berlebihan & malah ga taat ke Allah. Itu juga salah, Allah marah...
- just thinking back, our life is our choose. the one who i want to please is the one who i love most.
- sebenernya klo kita suka2an sm org sblm nikah,itu jg krn Allah pleasing him/her to build the relationship with us.cm gmn qt akhirnya milih~
- so dont be sad & worry. If you are seeking love & tranquility, Allah says in chapter 30 verse 21. read! :)
- Allah SWT saying in S.Arrum verse 20 means the relationship between spouses is a sign. sign to guide and near to Allah.
- if the relationship is taking me away from Allah is it correct? since Allah says in that surah is the sign of Allah, then its not correct
- so if u have a relationship now, let think back, does it give me closer to Allah?
- bcoz the real love is something can give you closer to Allah. it suppose to be a sign. to guide you~
- when u feel u really love him/her. u act like cant eat well/sleep well, thinking abt him/her almost all day.its not abt love,its addiction
- like romeo & julliet, its not love, eternal love or whatever u say. its just craziness.
- love for someone who can give u away from Allah, is like drugs.u can do silly things to get it. if u cant get in one person,then see others
- dont say u have a relationship now, and u still can closer to Allah with him/her. its also totally not correct.since you havent get married
- i talked abt the spouse, not relationship between girl and boy before marriage.
- if u say "Allahu Akbar" (when do prayer), and u think abt other person. its problem. even the person is ur husband. Mamaaaaa gw banget!!
- just thinking back ladies.. i don mean to ruin ur night with my tweets. this topic also for remind me. bcoz ive got more feeling toward s.o
- there's two type of love.. 1) u love the person bcoz of what they give u, bcoz the way u make me feel, basically not the person themselves
- 2) u love the person for the good they are. its not abt what they give, but what ur giving.
- mature ppl basically do the type one. but its abt nafs, and unstable. bcoz of what u give to me~ its kind of temporary love
- to solve it, islam has concept of fisabilillah. love only for Allah SWT, in the way of Allah. bcoz its not temporary, not unstable.
- the 2nd type. love bcoz what ur giving.if its giving forsake of Allah, altho they're not appreciate what u did, but Allah see
- when u give something forsake of Allah, u will get payment, reward from Allah.
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