Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Tiring Day

Good nite all~

Hufff...really!!! today is tiring day...
As i have told in the previous post, today i get a psychotest from power company. The psychotest is running as usual. There are two part of the psychotest, first is about analogical test like analitycal ability, mathematic or calculation ability, and figuring object ability. Second is Pauli test. fiuuuhh~ 

I'm not sure about the first test, because in the mathematic ability i can't finish the test also with figuring object ability. But for Pauli, like usual i always have a good 'sense' maybe..haha.. so that i can do it faster. 

The  announcement for participants who pass the test will be held 2 hours later. Jeng...jeng... yey! there is my name! Yippiii...so i can continue the process with FGD (focus group discussion) test , *actually i really don't hope too much for this company.

And the answer is... i didn't pass the test. yaaahhahahah. But, i know my fault. In the group discussion i didn't talk too much. I just tell my opinion in the short way. oke oke. fine. I really do not have a sense of disappointment for this. hihi. 

oke,  i am sleepy now. I think i must go to the bed immediatly to charge my energy for next 2 tiring days. Bye people. Have a good night yaa. 

NB: Sorry for my bad in english

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